Data4Nature Case studies: Data servicesCase studies: ToolsOur Work Data4Nature Data4Nature is a web-based platform designed to manage natural capital data and provide tailored outputs. Natural capital…Lyndall Thomas17 November 2023
The joint UNDP-UNEP Poverty Environment Initiative is tackling global poverty Case studies: Advisory servicesOur Work The joint UNDP-UNEP Poverty Environment Initiative is tackling global poverty Understanding the link between the environment and poverty is crucial, ongoing work at the global…Lyndall Thomas17 November 2023
The INCASE project is putting the SEEA in action in Ireland News: Ecosystem accountingNews: National governmentsNews: SEEAOur WorkTop 8 The INCASE project is putting the SEEA in action in Ireland The INCASE synthesis report was launched this week in Ireland. It summarises the detailed work…Lyndall Thomas15 November 2023
Is your business already exposed to nature-related risk? News: Natural capital accountingTop 8 Is your business already exposed to nature-related risk? Last week, Pollination and the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative (CCLI) launched a legal opinion,…Lyndall Thomas14 November 2023
Biodiversity Offset Scheme protecting the environment in NSW Case studies: Advisory services Biodiversity Offset Scheme protecting the environment in NSW The Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS) is an important part of the NSW Government’s approach to…Lyndall Thomas27 October 2023
Measuring the sustainability of tourism in the Pacific News: TourismOur WorkTop 8 Measuring the sustainability of tourism in the Pacific It is widely recognised that tourism can have both positive and negative effects on local…Lyndall Thomas25 October 2023
Baselining nature related data at the global scale News: BiodiversityNews: SEEATop 8 Baselining nature related data at the global scale The conversation about creating a baseline for biodiversity is ongoing – in Australia and around…Lyndall Thomas18 October 2023
Tracking nature: the quiet revolution News: BiodiversityNews: Natural capital accountingNews: SEEATop 8 Tracking nature: the quiet revolution Global efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are hindered by the way that…Lyndall Thomas11 October 2023
The TNFD turning point NewsNews: Ecosystem accountingNews: SEEATop 8 The TNFD turning point The Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) recommendations, launched yesterday at Climate Week in New…Lyndall Thomas20 September 2023
Natural Capital OR Integrated Capitals? News: Integrated capitalsNews: Natural capital accountingTop 8 Natural Capital OR Integrated Capitals? Implicitly, an integrated capitals approach has underpinned the work we have done as natural capital…Lyndall Thomas15 September 2023