IDEEA Group is excited to let you know that we are part of a consortium that will work to accelerate the use of natural capital approaches in decision making across Europe. By encouraging a critical mass of European businesses, financial institutions and governments to integrate natural capital in their decision making, the consortium is confident of making an important contribution to halting and reversing biodiversity loss both in Europe and globally.
The project is called ‘Accelerating TRAnsformation through Capitals Knowledge’ (A-Track). It will contribute to the European Green Deal and will also build on existing initiatives and best practice to develop, pilot, test, demonstrate and scale innovations in this space.
A-Track is funded by Horizon Europe, the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation.
What will A-Track achieve?
Over the next four years, A-Track will:
- develop and demonstrate the use of robust information about European biodiversity for use in natural capital accounts
- strengthen the life cycle assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services that products and organisations create, integrating these with natural capital approaches
- advance natural capital accounting in businesses, integrating it into decision-making across key sectors and business functions
- facilitate and incentivize the adoption and scaling of nature-positive business models
- nurture financial innovations to scale nature-positive finance based on reliable natural capital data and practice.
A-Track will place an emphasis on integration, synthesis and wide engagement across this work. The project will:
- deliver wider impacts in Europe and beyond through global value chains
- enhance natural capital and biodiversity
- make European businesses highly competitive in the new nature economy
- improve human wellbeing derived from enhanced ecosystem services.
Who is working on A-Track?
The members of the consortium are:
- Capitals Coalition
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
- Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V. (VITO)
- UNEP- World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
- Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership (CISL)
- IDEEA Global
- Fraunhofer Institute
- Tecnalia
- University Of Stuttgart
IDEEA Group is primarily working on developing biodiversity information pathways with the aim of demonstrating how the combination of private and public section information can be used to support decision making and various applications at corporate and government levels.
Want to know more?
We’ll provide regular updates as the A-Track project unfolds.