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What we do

We work with governments, businesses and communities in Australia and around the world. We use world-leading technology and methodologies to measure the benefits of nature for our clients and partners.

We can help you use natural capital accounting to improve your business and inform stakeholders about the benefits you are creating for the community and the environment.

We work with you in a phased approach, tailored to your needs. Our proven processes capture and present the benefits of nature in a cost-effective way.

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Advisory services

We design strategies for organisations to improve their management of natural capital. We ensure your business considers the latest developments in economics, accounting and science.

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Analysis and insights

We work with organisations to understand the way they use and rely on natural capital. We use data analysis and quantitative techniques to do this.

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Natural capital accounting

We compile natural capital accounts for private and public sector organisations.

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Data services

We provide a complete range of natural capital data services. We assess natural capital related information systems and data. We provide advice for improving natural capital information management and develop business information standards. We also offer training in natural capital data management and accounting.

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We provide tailored software and tools for you to organise natural capital data and create information products that inform decision making.