High-Level Panel Blue Paper on Ocean Accounts News: Oceans High-Level Panel Blue Paper on Ocean Accounts Good management of our oceans requires good information if it is to be founded on…Mark Eigenraam27 August 2020
The relevance of natural capital accounting – Carl Obst ABC radio interview News: In the pressNews: Natural capital accountingTop 8 The relevance of natural capital accounting – Carl Obst ABC radio interview This week Carl Obst talked with Laurissa Smith on ABC radio’s Tasmanian Country…Mark Eigenraam26 June 2020
Irish Natural Capital Accounting for Sustainable Environments (INCASE) video launch News: Natural capital accounting Irish Natural Capital Accounting for Sustainable Environments (INCASE) video launch For the past few years, IDEEA Group has been working with the Irish Natural Capital…Mark Eigenraam19 June 2020
Advancing the UN standards for Natural Capital Accounting NewsNews: SEEA Advancing the UN standards for Natural Capital Accounting In 2012, the United Nations Statistical Commission, the annual meeting of the world’s official statisticians…Mark Eigenraam1 June 2020
Integrated Capital Accounting Tool (ICAT®) for Natural Capital Managers News: Ecosystem accountingNews: Integrated capitalsNews: Land and water managementNews: Natural capital accountingNews: Primary producers Integrated Capital Accounting Tool (ICAT®) for Natural Capital Managers Natural capital defines the spatial context for integrated capital accounting Integrated Capital Accounting Tool (ICAT®)…Mark Eigenraam25 May 2020
Integrated Catchment Management Evaluation Framework, DELWP News: Ecosystem accountingNews: Integrated capitalsNews: Land and water managementNews: National governments Integrated Catchment Management Evaluation Framework, DELWP The Victorian Government Department of Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is the state's leading agency…Mark Eigenraam4 May 2020
Integrating natural capital into sustainable decision-making in Uganda News: BiodiversityNews: National governmentsNews: Natural capital accountingOur Work Integrating natural capital into sustainable decision-making in Uganda Biodiversity is an essential part of Uganda’s ‘natural capital stock’, allowing the delivery of the…Mark Eigenraam30 April 2020
Accounting for the Blue Economy NewsNews: Oceans Accounting for the Blue Economy The ‘Blue Economy’ is an emerging concept which encourages better stewardship of our ocean resources.…Mark Eigenraam15 April 2020
A multiple shift in capital thinking NewsNews: Integrated capitalsTop 8 A multiple shift in capital thinking In his 2015 encyclical, the Laudato Si, Pope John Francis expressed the need to care…Mark Eigenraam15 April 2020
Natural Capital Accounting and COVID-19 NewsNews: Natural capital accounting Natural Capital Accounting and COVID-19 There is little we are talking about other than COVID-19. The virus itself, and the…Mark Eigenraam15 April 2020