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IDEEA Group has a long-standing relationship with the Capitals Coalition and actively supports its work to bring natural, social and human capital considerations into the standard practice of decision-making across all sectors.

IDEEA Group is a member of the Coalition’s advisory panel and initiated the wider Combining Forces project in 2017, seeking to bring together private and public work on natural capital.

More recently, the Capitals Coalition has established a Value Accounting Network involving around 10 core members – of which IDEEA Group is one – each representing various capitals-based approaches and frameworks. The ambition is to work towards better understanding, alignment and harmonisation of accounting approaches and frameworks and to this end an initial joint statement has been released.

Also of importance from a natural capital accounting perspective is the progress on the EU funded Transparent Project which is seeking to develop standard approaches to the measurement and valuation of a range of components of natural capital. A consultation process on the first draft of these approaches has just commenced.

Reach out to the team at IDEEA to discuss these issues.