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Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) policies are becoming more and more important for tourism operators.

A vital component of this is pure attractiveness to consumers, who are increasingly keen to use companies that have transparent ESG policies and strategies.

Similarly, companies may find that investors are demanding more information about ESG performance when weighing up their options.

Natural capital accounting creates a strong opportunity for tourism operators to report effectively and comparably on their ESG responses and outcomes.

At a global level, the key indicators for sustainable tourism are still under development, but the initial conceptual work has been done.

Our Director, Carl Obst, is the lead author and editor of the draft Statistical Framework for the Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism project (SF-MST). This is an organising structure that integrates statistics on the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable tourism.

Using the principles of natural capital accounting, in tandem with the essentials from the SF-MST, IDEEA Group can help you gather data for ESG goal setting, decision making and reporting.

This is just one of many areas in which our global knowledge and experience sets us apart in the natural capital accounting landscape.