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The Capitals Coalition is a global collaboration redefining value to transform decision making. Based on the principles of the integrated capitals, the Coalition is working to promote natural capital accounting around the globe.

As part of the Coalition’s Advisory Panel, IDEEA Group contributes to forming the collaboration’s direction and strategy. The Advisory Panel brings together practitioners and businesses who support the mission to integrate the value of nature, people and society into decision-making.

A vital part of the Coalition’s works is the Natural Capital Protocol (NCP): a decision making framework that enables organisations to identify, measure and value their direct and indirect impacts and dependencies on natural capital.

Using the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) and the approach laid out by the NCP each address the same underlying challenge and aspire to similar overarching goals. Aligning these complementary approaches to improve analysis and reporting of natural capital outcomes is essential for more sustainable decision making, worldwide.

Since mid-2017, IDEEA Group have been leading the Combining Forces project on behalf of the Capitals Coalition as a focal point to bring together different strands of thinking on natural capital across the private and public sectors. Combining Forces provides a convening network for aligning efforts to bring natural capital thinking into the mainstream of economically driven decision making.