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Biodiversity is an essential part of Uganda’s ‘natural capital stock’, allowing the delivery of the ecosystem services that support economic activity and the wellbeing of its people. Since 2015, UNEP-WCMC with IDEEA Group others have worked on a number of projects to facilitate the integration of biodiversity into natural capital accounting.

More recently, UNEP-WCMC in partnership with IDEEA Group and other international and national organisations have released the first draft of NCA Method Notes for Integrating Natural Capital into Sustainable Development Decision-Making in Uganda has been released.

This project is funded by the UK Governments Darwin Initiative and will allow decision makers to consider both the environment and the economy in their plans, ultimately supporting green growth, alleviating poverty and accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Aichi Targets.

Visit UNEP-WCMC for more information and download the draft reports.