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Reports about the ongoing decline in biodiversity are released all too frequently. At the global level, the Dasgupta Review and the IPBES global assessment are prime examples. A key feature in these reports is that the loss of biodiversity directly concerns our well-being, not just the fate of the species that are increasingly threatened.

In this context, the management of our native flora and fauna is of fundamental importance. The recent independent review of the Commonwealth’s Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act, 1999) provided an opportunity to consider alternative and improved management approaches. The comprehensive submission from Peter Burnett and others describes what is possible.

Of note within the framing they proposed is the role of environmental accounting, something that Peter and his co-authors summarised directly in a letter to Nature Ecology and Evolution in March 2020 titled “Measuring net-positive outcomes for nature using accounting” (doi 10.1038/s41559-020-1108-7).

IDEEA Group is actively engaged in advancing the thinking on accounting for biodiversity both within the context of the SEEA and its emerging role as a framework to support national reporting on the Convention on Biological Diversity, and at corporate level, such as in the ongoing work on the Biological Diversity Protocol.

Contact us for a discussion on how these developments can support your decision making.

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