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Measuring the benefits of nature

The greatest political, social, and economic challenges of the 21st century stem from the devastating impacts of human activity on our natural environment. Poor air quality, soil degradation, deforestation, species extinction, climate change and resource depletion are the consequences of humankind’s relentless demand for growth.

At the IDEEA Group, we know that the health of the environment underpins economic and social prosperity. We work with businesses, governments, communities and First Nations to make evidence-based decisions about harnessing nature’s true value.


IDEEA Group is a Melbourne-based company providing natural capital strategic and advisory services from a team of expert economists, data scientists, GIS experts, environmental accountants, and national accountants.

We have world-leading expertise in the design and implementation of measurement frameworks, environmental markets, environmental valuation, spatial analytics, sustainability assessment, risk management and natural capital accounting and reporting.


IDEEA Group Directors are renowned experts in natural capital and have led the development of the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting at the global level. Leaders at embedding a capitals approach in corporate and government institutions, we work at the nexus of accounting, economics and ecology, bringing a multi-disciplinary view to the management of natural capital.


What we do


The economy is in a period of transition, driven by changing social norms and environmental collapse. Governments, businesses, and communities recognise that nature can no longer be ignored; it is essential to our survival.

We work with clients to respond to these systemic and organisational changes and navigate through this period of transition towards a healthier, more sustainable environment.

We increase your organisation’s understanding of global and national actions targeting the environment, describe why it matters for your organisation, and formulate a best-practice response that will set you apart from the competition.

We build a picture of what the future might look like and position your business with the tools to inform investment and policy decisions in a transitioning economy that is aware of nature related risks and opportunities.

Our experts help reveal the true value of natural capital, demonstrate how natural capital thinking and nature-based solutions incorporate both financial and non-financial considerations, enable participation in environmental markets, and inform risk assessment, governance structures and reporting.


Natural capital analysis involves building the evidence base to support decision-making.

We consider the history of your natural capital, how it is tracking now, and what may happen to it in the future. We draw on a range of economic and environmental data and models, and tailor outputs to meet your needs.

We use our knowledge in measurement and analysis to bring environmental data up to the same standard as financial data. You have security knowing that we will support you over the long-term in your nature-based responses, by embedding a systematic way of analysing nature within the business.

Based on more than two decades of experience in natural capital analysis, we have developed a natural capital tool, Data4Nature, to facilitate the organisation of natural capital data and the creation of information products that inform natural capital management decisions.

Natural capital advisory services  – designing strategies to (i) implement natural capital management for organisations and (ii) manage the information base to support natural capital management.
Natural capital analysis and insights  – applying data analysis and quantitative techniques to provide insights about an organisations’ performance with respect to natural capital.
Natural capital data services  – delivery of accounting services for private and public sector organisations.
Natural capital tools –  development of software and tools that organise natural capital data and create information products to inform natural capital management decisions.
Natural capital market services –  design, governance and operation of effective and credible environment markets.

Who we are


At IDEEA Group we rely on data and analytics to support businesses, governments, and communities to maximise the value of their natural capital, while contributing to environmental sustainability. Our approach is based on understanding nature’s benefits (e.g. profits, clean water, recreation), as well as the stocks of nature (e.g. forests, agriculture, oceans) and their health. 

We support organisations across a mix of initiatives and applications including:

Nature based solutions and targets

Nature-based Solutions.  We work with clients to evaluate each solution’s viability (return on investment, outcomes, co-benefits), and support the design of products such as blue/green bonds and sustainability-linked financial products.

Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The TNFD framework will adopt a four-pillar approach and provide principles for financial disclosure. We will help you prepare for and understand the coming TNFD recommendations.

Science-based Targets.  Using a natural capital approach, we work with you to establish rigorous, local scale carbon, water and biodiversity targets for land use and nature restoration.

Governance and risk

Environmental Social and Governance.  We establish reporting, strategic and risk management solutions that are underpinned by data, deliver meaningful indicators, and demonstrate appropriate governance. This enables accurate reporting against targets and objectives including the Sustainable Development Goals.

Risk.  As nature declines natural capital is put at risk and nature’s capacity to produce ecosystem services is reduced. Companies’ reliance on these ecosystem services is translated into financial risk. We support organisations in the management of these nature-related risks and the identification of nature-related opportunities.

Natural capital accounts and analysis

Natural Capital Accounts for Governments.  We work with you to create a set of accounts that use the United Nation’s global standard, System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) and include measures of natural capital wealth, enhancement, and degradation.

Corporate Natural Capital Accounts. We will build a register of environmental assets as the basis for a NC Balance Sheet and Income Statement, which applies relevant corporate guidance including the Natural Capital Protocol, British Standards Institute (BS 8632) for Organisations, and the Biodiversity Protocol.

Scenario Analysis.  We will assist with analysis of standard and custom-tailored scenarios that incorporate physical and transition risk to enable an understand your risk exposures, strategic objectives, and the interplay between climate change and nature, 

Spatial Landscape Analysis. Our expert geospatial analytics solutions enable location specific analysis of nature-related risks and opportunities.

Environmental Markets

Co-benefit Analysis and Reporting.  Co-benefit analysis enables an understanding of habitat and species indicators, ecosystem health indicators, ecosystem service valuation and Gross Ecosystem Product. Reports realise and understand all the positive outcomes from climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Environmental Markets.  We can assist with all aspects of environmental market establishment and operation that create new opportunities with your existing assets and drive economically efficient environmental management and resource allocation. 

Supply Chain Analysis.  We provide a comprehensive view of risks and opportunities in supply chains by mapping the flows of environmental inputs to standard supply chains, describing environmental footprints and carbon balances, supporting extended input-output and CGE modelling, and analysing productivity. 

Certification. Gain comfort over the data and reporting requirements for entry into key markets to ensure your social license to operate.


Our news


We’re looking forward to PLC24

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Capitals Coalition launches new Beta Framework for Integrated Decision-Making

The Capitals Coalition has announced the launch of the new Beta Framework for Integrated Decision-Making…

How effective is your environmental storytelling?

In her recent Quarterly Essay, titled Highway to Hell, author and climate change scientist Joelle…

How do we measure ecosystems at risk?

So many of our ecosystems are at risk, reflecting changes in biodiversity and ongoing decline…


European forest accounts handbook

After months of hard work, we’re excited to celebrate the release of the 2024 edition…

Updates to the document underpinning the global economy

The System of National Accounts (SNA) underpins the global economy. The SNA describes the agreed…

Can you use the SEEA at a site level? The answer is yes.

It’s quite common to think of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) as a…

Australia’s Nature Positive laws

Some important laws about nature are currently working their way through the legislative process in…

Ready To Talk About your Project? Contact IDEEA Group

Trusted Partners

Our partner clients come from sectors involved in natural resource management all around the world, and each faces unique opportunities and challenges arising from potential implementation of EEA.




Infrastructure Victoria

Irland EPA



United Nations

The World Bank


Australian Government