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Did you know that the Organisation for Economic Development (OECD) publishes concise data sets on key climate change metrics?

You can use, customise and export these datasets for a range of purposes.

Our colleague Daniel Clarke in the Statistics and Data Directorate of the OECD has highlighted the recently published set of Experimental Estimates for CO2 Emissions from Maritime Transport.

This database includes annual, quarterly and monthly information on CO2 emissions from maritime transport based on ship-tracking information collected via the Automatic Identification System (AIS). These statistics are aggregated on a national accounts basis following the recording principles described in the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) Central Framework.

The experimental estimates show that total maritime emissions have been relatively stable in recent years but there are notable variations across different industries and across countries. Daniel and his team expect these new global estimates will become a useful contribution for national compilations of Air Emission Accounts (AEAs), among other uses.

This kind of information on the impacts of economic activity can be linked to the wider question of accounting for ecosystem extent and condition and flows of ecosystem services. Even though the links are not direct, at IDEEA Group we are keen to explain how all natural capital information can be connected to provide a coherent information system for decision making. The release of global databases such as those of the OECD Maritime emissions provides yet another building block for a comprehensive description of the environmental-economic connection.