The road to recovery is green News: Ecosystem accountingNews: Natural capital accountingTop 8 The road to recovery is green As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, we’re searching for the answer to an…Lyndall Thomas28 September 2022
Natural capital accounting for the Irish seafood sector Case studies: Advisory servicesNews: Natural capital accountingNews: OceansTop 8 Natural capital accounting for the Irish seafood sector It’s said that Clew Bay has 365 islands – one for each day of the…Lyndall Thomas21 September 2022
Natural Capital Accounting in Liberia News: Natural capital accountingTop 8 Natural Capital Accounting in Liberia Liberia lies on the west coast of Africa, with 560 km of pristine coastline stretching…Lyndall Thomas13 September 2022
Working with the Asia Foundation and APEC on the Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model NewsNews: Ecosystem accountingOur WorkTop 8 Working with the Asia Foundation and APEC on the Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model The BCG Economy Model uses three styles of economic policy approaches – bio, circular and…Lyndall Thomas8 September 2022
Natural capital accounting beyond the SEEA News: Natural capital accountingNews: SEEA Natural capital accounting beyond the SEEA The last few months have seen increasing number of examples of research and development that…Mark Eigenraam16 August 2021
IDEEA and the Capitals Coalition NewsNews: Combining ForcesTop 8 IDEEA and the Capitals Coalition IDEEA Group has a long-standing relationship with the Capitals Coalition and actively supports its work…Mark Eigenraam16 August 2021
New ways to value nature News: In the pressNews: Natural capital accounting New ways to value nature The awareness of SEEA continues to grow, as highlighted in this recent article from the…Mark Eigenraam8 June 2021
In the Press: Beyond GDP – UN Adopts New SEEA Ecosystem Accounting Standard News: In the press In the Press: Beyond GDP – UN Adopts New SEEA Ecosystem Accounting Standard Insights on the United Nations recent adoption of the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting Standard, from Carl…Mark Eigenraam7 June 2021
United Nations adopts standards for natural capital accounting – the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting News: In the pressNews: Natural capital accounting United Nations adopts standards for natural capital accounting – the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting After a three year United Nations process, and a longer 10 year journey, the United…Mark Eigenraam11 March 2021
Sustainable agriculture, environmental markets and information News: Natural capital accounting Sustainable agriculture, environmental markets and information Sustainability has been front of mind for policy makers and farmers for many years. Consumers,…Mark Eigenraam11 December 2020